Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

No Packaging Groceries

Link of the day - If You Sell Links On Your Site, I Will Buy Them Off You


Today’s grocery stores may feature more items with recyclable packaging than they used to, but the fact remains that there’s still enormous waste involved in the way individual goods are typically packaged and sold. So argues Brothers Lane, an Austin, Texas, company that’s gearing up to launch in.gredients — the first package-free, zero-waste grocery store in the United States.

The new store aims to be “a different kind of grocery store – one that is responsible to the environment and community and one that facilitates a healthy lifestyle,” in the company’s own words. Toward that end, shoppers at the store will bring their own reusable containers to fill with local and organic groceries ranging from dry bulk and dairy to wine and household cleaners. “Truth be told, what’s normal in the grocery business isn’t healthy for consumers or the environment,” in.gredients co-founder Christian Lane explains. “In addition to the unhealthiness associated with common food processing, nearly all the food we buy in the grocery store is packaged, leaving us no choice but to continue buying packaged food that’s not always reusable or recyclable.” Due to launch before year’s end, the store will exclude packaged and overly processed foods altogether as well as offering cooking classes, on-site gardening activities and a variety of community events.

For more unusual ways to make money, read how PickyDomains.com helps find a business name.

[Via - Springwise.com]

The Million-Dollar Idea in Everyone: Easy New Ways to Make Money from Your Interests, Insights, and Inventions

IdeaSpotting: How to Find Your Next Great Idea

How to Make Millions with Your Ideas: An Entrepreneur's Guide by Dan S. Kennedy

101 Businesses You Can Start With Less Than One Thousand Dollars: For Stay-at-Home Moms & Dads

Make Your Ideas Mean Business

Link of the day - If You Sell Links On Your Site, I Will Buy Them Off You

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Help Wanted!

As you may (or may not) know, I own PickyDomains. After recent upgrade, we had a huge surge in orders, getting as many as 8 new orders in a single day. So basically we need your help and right away. What's in it for you? We charge $50 our clients for coming up with a cool domain. The person who suggests picked domain (that could be you, yes YOU) gets half of the fee. So if you are good with domains, names or slogans (you get more for slogans), go we need your suggestions right now. Here is registration link.

Here is a simple trick that will GREATLY increases your chance to get your suggestion picked. Most names are picked within two weeks, with day 2,3,4 most popular. Most new users work on the first three orders only. Because of difference in traffic depending on day of the week and time of the day, a new order may receive 200 suggestion during first few hours or 20. Then, as new orders are listed, old orders are pushed down and volume of suggestions for old orders goes down. So to increase your chances (after working on orders that we just added) go and work on ALL orders that were listed withing last 72-96 hours. These are going to be the first 15 orders on the Available orders list, generally speaking. And when you work on older orders, work BACKWARDS, submitting to order 15 first, then 14, then 13, because the owners of these are ready to make a decision. Do it even if you already made your suggestions to these when they initially appeared, because many clients feel overwhelmed when they receive several hundred suggestions within the first 24 hours. As the volume of suggestions drops down, they have more time too look at each individual suggestion - and if you are smart, these suggestions are going to be yours. This drop in volume is very significant, we've had one client tell us that they like the service, but here were too many suggestions and then the same person asked, why so few suggestions are coming in after the order was active for three days. Take advantage of that.

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

BioLite Stoves

Link of the day - If You Sell Links On Your Site, I Will Buy Them Off You


Founded: 2009
Employees: 7
Revenue 2010: $24,000
Revenue 2011 (projected): $250,000
From left to right: Matt Nowicki, Alec Drummond, Clay Burns, Whitney Goodwin, and Jonathan Cedar

Half the planet cooks on wood fires that give off smoke responsible for about 2 million deaths a year from respiratory disease, says Jonathan Cedar, 30, founder of fuel-efficient cook stove maker BioLite. Its $40 stoves use cogeneration technology to capture waste heat to generate electricity. The electricity powers fans that cut toxic smoke emissions by 95 percent, Cedar says. It can also charge cell phones and LED lights. He says production at BioLite's contract manufacturer in China is scheduled for April 2012 (the stoves are being tested in India now). Cedar plans to introduce two higher-margin camping versions for around $100 and $120 targeted at outdoor enthusiasts in the U.S. around the same time and use profits to offset research and development costs for the developing markets’ stove. The business was conceived with Alec Drummond while working together at New York product development firm Smart Design. "While indoor air pollution reduction is obviously why we're doing what we're doing … we also want a product that delivers what users really want: fast, easy-to-use cooking," says Cedar. He says BioLite raised $1.1 million in venture capital in April and expects $1.5 million in revenue in 2012.

For more unusual ways to make money, read how PickyDomains.com helps find a business name.

[Via - BusinessWeek.com]

The Million-Dollar Idea in Everyone: Easy New Ways to Make Money from Your Interests, Insights, and Inventions

IdeaSpotting: How to Find Your Next Great Idea

How to Make Millions with Your Ideas: An Entrepreneur's Guide by Dan S. Kennedy

101 Businesses You Can Start With Less Than One Thousand Dollars: For Stay-at-Home Moms & Dads

Make Your Ideas Mean Business

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