Kamis, 02 April 2009

Novelty Telegram Service


There's no doubt the internet has transformed the way people communicate; what's less clear is that people are willing to let the old methods disappear. We've already seen companies that transform emails into paper letters; now, an Australian contender has resurrected none other than the classic telegram.

Focusing on the role telegrams have long played as historical records documenting significant events, Telegram Stop provides novelty telegrams with a classic look and feel that's designed for posterity. Users simply type their message online—up to 400 characters are allowed—and then preview the resulting telegram, which includes the traditional "stop" in place of periods. Both domestic and international service is available for a single, set price of USD 4.70; delivery takes 4 to 6 business days.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, as they say—particularly when consumers are willing to pay a price for nostalgia. One to emulate on a niche basis, such as birth announcements or wedding invitations....?

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