Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

America's Weirdest Businesses

1. http://cuddleparty.com/

Runs events at which adults "explore communication, boundaries, and affection" by donning pajamas and getting physical. Ix-nay on the naughty stuff.

2. HappyBalls.com

A million-dollar company that makes a single product: foam balls for car aerials.

3. Barefootlist.com

Members create and track lists of things they want to achieve before they die.

4. http://pickydomains.com/

Get paid for picking domain names for other people

5. http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/15326

Drive-through strip joint.

6. http://www.afterlifetelegrams.com/

Service for contacting the dead. Terminally ill patients memorize messages and deliver them when opportunity permits.

7. http://www.enthem.com/

Writes full-length corporate theme songs. The ultimate in hold music!

8. http://www.fetalgreetings.com/

Creates pregnancy announcements that purportedly come from the womb.

9. http://gaming-lessons.com/

Video-game-coaching services. Offers "world-class instruction" in Halo 2.

10. http://www.heartattackgrill.com/

Menu features a quadruple bypass burger, flatliner fries ("deep fried in PURE LARD!"), and Jolt cola. Also available: unfiltered cigarettes.

Feel inspired to start your own weird business? These books might help

101 Businesses You Can Start With Less Than One Thousand Dollars: For Stay-at-Home Moms & Dads

Weekend Entrepreneur: 101 Great Ways to Earn Extra Cash

The Perfect Business

eBay 101: Selling on eBay For Part-time or Full-time Income, Beginner to PowerSeller in 90 Days

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